合同超過 $250,000 報告
項目總結: SARC 將增加具有特定語言需求的個人/家庭獲得服務的機會。文化需求將至少每月評估一次,以確保對歷史上服務不足的社區給予適當關注。新職位將包括家長教育協調員、社區活動協調員、語言專家、行政助理和技術顧問。通過與利益相關者(包括所服務的個人/家庭、差異工作組、社區組織和家庭資源中心)進行協商,將以虛擬方式和麵對面方式加強外展教育工作。 SARC 將創建至少兩個播客 - 一個是西班牙語,一個是越南語。
社區資源開發計劃 (CRDP)
The Department of Developmental Services (DDS) has a statutory responsibility to ensure that individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities live in the least restrictive setting, appropriate to their needs. DDS designed the Community Placement Plan (CPP) and Community Resource Development Plan (CRDP) for regional centers to enhance the capacity of the community service delivery system and to reduce the reliance on the use of developmental center and other restrictive living environments.
在這裡了解更多: DDS CRDP Page
The National Core Indicators (NCI) Survey gives individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities (I/DD) and their families the opportunity to voluntarily and confidentially participate in surveys to share their experiences on access to and use of regional center and community services.
- Survey responses help California learn how it is doing compared to other states.
- Survey responses help the regional centers see what they are doing well and what they can improve.
Click here for the DDS NCI Page: DDS NCI Page
- 人員分類報告 - 2022
- 人員分類報告
- 行政開支調查模板
- 2018 年 HCBS 監測報告
- HCBS Waiver Monitoring Review 2020
- 服務提供商年度獨立審計要求
- DDS 進行的半年度財政審計
- 2018年人事調查報告
- 2018年行政支出調查
- SARC 附件 B-2 - ABX2-1 資金調查 - 2017 年 3 月 - 最終
- SARC 2017 年 10 月 ABX2-1 - 決賽
- 供應商
- 董事會議程和會議記錄
- 區域中心管理委員會章程
- 績效合同
- 2020 年行政支出調查
- 2020 年行政支出調查
- 2022 Administrative Expenditure Report.
- 2023 Administrative Expenditure Report.
- DDS - 外殼 A 最終