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Home & Community-Based Services (HCBS) – Re-Thinking Challenging Behavior

Sự miêu tả

October 7, 2024 1:00 to 4:00

Home & Community-Based Services (HCBS)

Re-Thinking Challenging Behavior

San Jose SARC Offices

Many people considered to have “challenging behavior” get the label through actions and events that could have been avoided. Unwanted behavior is often caused unintentionally and for a variety of reasons. Through real examples (and even some humor) this session will explore ways of reducing power struggles, critical incidents, and crises related to behavior

For information in registration, please contact Michelle Livoni mlivoni@sarc.org

Chi tiết

Tháng Mười 7, 2024
Thời gian:
1:00 chiều - 4:00 chiều


Trung tâm khu vực San Andreas
6203 San Ignacio Ave, Phòng 200
San Jose, CA 95119 Hoa Kỳ
+ Bản đồ Google
Điện thoại:
(408) 374 - 9960
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