Self Determination Program

The Self Determination Program is available to all individuals served by San Andreas who are over the age of 3 and who are eligible for Lanterman Act Services.   For more information,  contact your service coordinator.  Please visit the Self Determination Page for more information and an informative Q and A.

San Andreas is offering SDP orientations from July through October.  Please click on the appropriate date to register.   SDP Orientation Schedule; 0722-1022

Join advocates and others for a monthly self determination meeting. This meeting is for self-advocate adults who are thinking about, planning to, or are in self-determination.  It's a chance to meet and socialize, and share experiences with others going through self-determination.  This meeting occurs the 3rd Thursday for every month from 10:30am - 12pm. Register here for the meeting: ZOOM SDP 

To check this month for Self Determination Program, please check out the calendar here.

The following flowchart explains the process for self determination: SDP_Flowchart 62019 

SDP Flowchart other languages: SDP Flowchart Languages 


More information:  Self Determination Information Network 

Information of the Office of the Ombudsman at DDS: 2021 10 20 Office of the Ombudsperson for Self-Determination

Rate information with Self Determination: Rates and Self Determination - Powerpoint. 2021

SDP Budget tool: Individual_Budget_Calculation_Certification_Tool

The Five Principles of Self Determination: The Five Principles of Self Determination

Frequently Asked Questions

The following are questions and answers from the Department of Developmental Services webpage regarding the self determination program:   Self Determination FAQ 


FACILITATOR TRAINING–  Imagine SLS, in cooperation with Premiere Health Care Services and the State Council on Developmental Disabilities,   will host Facilitator Training on the first Wednesday of every month.  Click on the flyer for details:  SD Program Learning and Professional Development


Self Determination Flyers

The following information explains the program


Self Determination Principles

Independent Facilitator

Independent Facilitator

Participants in the Self-Determination Program may choose an Independent Facilitator to help them in the following ways:

  • Assisting the individual with making informed decisions regarding their individual budget


  • Locating, accessing and coordinating services and supports consistent with the participant’s individual program plan.


  • Identifying immediate and long-term needs and developing options to meet those needs


  • Leading, participating, and/or advocating on behalf of participants in the person-centered planning process and development of the IPP


  • Obtaining identified services and supports


It is not required that an independent facilitator have a certification or licensure. However, an independent facilitator is required to receive training in the principles of self-determination, the person-centered planning process, and the other responsibilities consistent with coordination of services for consumers’ individual program plan. 

More Information: SDP Network

Financial Management Service

Financial Management Service (FMS)

You can see which FMS providers are available and their contact information by visiting the DDS website.

What is FMS?

Participants in the Self-Determination Program (SDP) will receive support from a person or business to help them pay for services they need. This person or business is called a Financial Management Services provider.  There are three different models of Financial Management Services available in the SDP.

FMS Models Comparison Chart


Read more regarding FMS from the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) directive.


DDS released Guidance Regarding Waiver of Self-Determination Program Budget Restrictions for Payments for Financial Management Services on February 3, 2

Person Centered Planning

Person-Centered Planning

For Self-Determination Program (SDP) participants, the individual program plan (IPP) must be developed utilizing a person-centered-planning process.

Person-centered planning is about the individual’s future and reaching their goals. The process should be driven by the individual and reflect what is important to and for that person. Person-centered planning can include other people, such as family or friends, only if the individual chooses to include them in the process. Once the individual has made choices about what they want and need, the IPP is written based on their decisions. The IPP lays out the their goals and what is needed to reach those goals, including necessary services and supports.

The individual or organization providing person-centered planning services are expected to demonstrate they have received training or certification in the person-centered facilitation process. If the selected individual or organization has been trained in any specific approaches (Planned Facilitation, Liberty Plans, MAPs, etc) the participant has the option to request and receive proof of such training.

Learn more about PCP here:  The Learning Community 

Individual Budget

Individual Budget: The total amount of regional center funds available to the SDP participant each year. The individual budget is determined by the individual program planning team, and is based upon the amount of purchase of service funds used by the individual in the most recent 12-months. This amount can be adjusted, up or down, if the individual program planning team determines that the individual’s needs, circumstances, or resources will change. Additionally, the individual program planning team may adjust the budget to support any prior needs or resources that were not addressed in the individual program plan.

DDS Directive on Individual Budget: sdp_individualbudget_jan19

SDP Budget Tool

An Individual Budget Calculation and Certification Tool has been developed in follow-up to the Department’s directive issued on Initial Person-Centered Planning Services (above) to assist regional centers in calculating an individual budget for the SDP. The tool will identify the amount of money that participants will be able to utilize to purchase services and supports detailed in their spending plan. Regional center staff assisting SDP participants that are still in the process of developing their individual budgets should begin using this tool.







Self Determination Agenda and Meeting Minutes

Self Determination Committee

If you are interested in serving on the Self Determination Committee, then please click on the button Below:
