Service Providers

Service Provider Portal


Please note that June 30th marks the end of our fiscal year. As such, Purchase of Service (POS) authorizations for services set to commence on  July 01, and thereafter will not be available until mid to late July. Only POS authorizations set up to roll over across fiscal years will have available authorization numbers at the beginning of July .
We thank you for your patience!!!

Please send the Independent Audit Reports to Karl Cruz, CPA at

The New Service Provider Portal is Here!

We are happy to announce that the updated Service Provider Portal is available and no longer requires the Java Program installed on your computer! It is easy to login and use in any Internet browser (Internet Explorer, Safari, Etc.) on both Mac, Windows and even mobile devices.

IMPORTANT: This new SPP program requires a change to the printing of all reports, including List My Service Providers, List My Consumers, Open Auths last Month, etc. You can continue to print these useful reports, but you will need to first email the report to yourself before printing, just like you do to access the forms (authorizations and invoices).

  1. The New SPP Tutorial – YouTube Video.
  2. Using the New SPP as a Standard User – PDF.

How can I begin Using the SPP?

  1. Review the Service Provider Portal Tutorial (#1).
  2. Download the Agreement of Use Form (#2).
  3. Complete and email it to Anna Wall at

LOGIN TO SANDIS7 SPP Portal >>> Click here <<<

Community Services and Health Services Provider Trainings

To check out the latest trainings, please click on the respective calendar to view the times and dates of training classes you wish to attend.

Community Services Training



Health Services Training


