Autism Resources

  • The National Autism Center
    This center is dedicated to promoting evidence-based standards for providing educational and behavioral services to children and adolescents with autism.


  • Autism Health Insurance Project
    This site provides step-by-step information to guide parents in accessing their private insurance to fund autism services as directed by the Autism Health Insurance Mandate (SB 946) and the Mental Health Parity Act (AB 88).


  • Autism Internet Modules
    This site provides free on-line training in evidence-based interventions. It offers high-quality information and professional development for anyone who supports, teaches, works with or lives with someone with autism.


  •  Autism Speaks
    This science and advocacy organization is dedicated to funding research into the causes, prevention, and treatments for autism.  Their site provides a wide range of current resources including news, research, advocacy, downloadable guides and publications, and Tool Kits


  • The Autism Society of America
    This grassroots organization provides the latest information on treatment, education, research and advocacy regarding day to day issues faced by people with autism and those who care about them.


  •  The Autism Society of San Francisco Bay Area
    The local San Francisco Bay Area chapter of the Autism Society of America, with information regarding ways for families to get involved, gain knowledge and support and meet other individuals affected by autism.


  • UC Davis MIND Institute Center for Excellence on Developmental Disabilities
    The MIND Institute is dedicated to finding treatments, causes and preventions, and providing education for neurodevelopmental disorders. Primarily research based, the institute also provides information and training on a range of neurodevelopmental disorders to families and professionals.


  • DDS Autism Reports
    The Department of Developmental Services posts best practice guidelines and various Autism reports in addition to detailed information about California’s Regional Center system.



