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Sexual Harassment Awareness Training for SARC Employees

Sự miêu tả

Workplace Sexual Harassment is unwelcome sexual conduct that deprives an employee of a discrimination-free workplace, whether or not a tangible benefit is lost. This informative workshop educates employees as to what constitutes sexual harassment, how to avoid being perceived as harassing, and how to respond if it is occurring in the workplace.

Agenda Topics

  • Harassment Persists
  • Federal Laws
  • State Laws
  • Impact of Sexual Harassment
  • Why Victims Don’t Speak Up
  • Liability
  • Stopping Offensive Behavior

Resources Seminar Length: Approximately 1 hour

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Chi tiết

Tháng Sáu 21, 2022
Thời gian:
1:00 chiều - 2:00 chiều
Trị giá:
miễn phí


San Jose – Big Sur Conference Room
6203 San Ignacio Ave
San Jose, CA 95119 Hoa Kỳ
+ Bản đồ Google
Điện thoại:
(408) 374 - 9960
Danh mục sự kiện:
SARC Employee Event Only