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How to Respond to an Active Assailant/Active Shooter – Watsonville Office

Sự miêu tả

As many of you may know, active shooter incidents are a growing epidemic across the world. We must all remain vigilant in knowing what to do should an active-shooter or active assailant situation occur.

San Andreas Regional Center has brought in Aanko to provide in-person (mandatory) active shooter/active assailant training specific for each office location. We will offer a make-up date and time in the future should one of the dates not work for your schedule.

If you have questions, please reach out to Natalie Baylosis, Emergency Response Coordinator (nbaylosis@sarc.org) or Angel Johnson, HR Director (ajohnson@sarc.org).

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Chi tiết

Tháng Chín 14, 2022
Thời gian:
9:00 sáng - 12:00 chiều
Trị giá:
miễn phí


Trung tâm khu vực San Andreas Watsonville
1110 Phố chính
Watsonville, CA 95076 Hoa Kỳ
Trang mạng:
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Danh mục sự kiện:
SARC Employee Event Only

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Trung tâm khu vực San Andreas