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HCBS Community Connecting Session 5 of 6

Sự miêu tả
HCBS Community Connecting Session
August 12, 2024
1:00 to 4:00 Via Zoom
Description:  Community Connecting.  Six weeks of 3-hour classes. The first requirement of the HCBS rule is supporting people to be part of the community.  This course introduces four tools to help people facilitate community connections. The training is interactive and provides opportunities to practice using the different tools and approaches.
Status:  Class Full
Liên hệ:  Michelle Livoni mlivoni@gmail.com

Chi tiết

Tháng Tám 12, 2024
Thời gian:
1:00 chiều - 4:00 chiều


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Đào tạo Dịch vụ Cộng đồng
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Community Training